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Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi Initiates Employed at ULM

College of Health Sciences

Wendy Bailes
Brett Bennett
Patti Calk
Catherine Campbell
Judy Fellows
Paula Griswold
Rhonda Hensley *
David Irwin *
Jessica Lasiter
Donald Simpson
Jennifer Whited

College of Pharmacy

Glenn Anderson
Shannon Banks
Benny Blaylock *
Michael Cockerham
Ronald Hill *
Laurel Sampognaro
Jois Seetharama ~

College of Business & Social Sciences

Laurie Babin ~
Susie Cox
Mary Elizabeth Bridges
Dorothy Davis *
Eugenie Ardoin
Robert Hanser
Paul Karlowitz
Leigh Hersey
Anissa Horne
Robyn Jordan

Veronica Lewis *
Donna Luse *
Michelle McEacharn
Melissa Melancon *
Arturo Rodriguez
Patricia Roshto *
Jennifer Savage~
Joshua Stockley


Jessica Louque
Megan Lowe~
Melinda Matthews
Cynthia Robertson *
Donald Smith *

College of Arts, Education and Sciences

Fredrick Adams
Mary Adams ~
Jeffrey Anderson
Mallory Benedetto
Chris Blackburn
James Boldin
Michael Camille
Deborah Chandler
Josh Comer †
Ann Findley
Gary Findley
Beverly Flowers-Gibson *
Chris Gissendanner ~
Frances Gregory *
Janet Haedicke
Jaleesa Harris
Anne Case Hanks
Kioh Kim
Sandra Lemoine *
Derle R. Long †
Meredith McKinnie
Chris Michaelides
Todd Murphy
Ava Pugh*
Donna Rhorer*
Beth Ricks
Ann Rodriguez
Will Rogers
Suzanne Seeber
Richard Seiler, Jr.
Ruth Smith
Shalanda Stanley
Gary Stringer *
Claire Vangelisti
Allison Wiedemeier

Professional Staff

Chloe Beaver
Karen Crowley *
Katie Dawson ~
Lawanna D. Gilbert-Bell
Joanna Hunter
Jeremy Kent ~
Sabrina McClain
Caitlin P. McKeighan ~
Barbara Michaelides*
Patricia Pate
Camille Pearce ~
Noelle Prestridge*
Ahmaad Solmone
Allison Thompson
Lindsey Scott Wilkerson

University Administration

Ronald L. Berry
Nick Bruno *
Valerie Fields
Sushma Krishnamurthy
Lisa Miller
Eric Pani *
Stephen Richters *
Pamela Saulsberry *

* Retired members
Moved on/left the institution
† Deceased members
